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When dealing with family law matters, selecting the right law firm can be daunting. The outcome of your case can significantly impact your family's future, making it essential to choose wisely. At the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, we understand these concerns and are here to guide you through the selection process. Here are four key factors to consider when choosing a family law firm.

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When it comes to child custody cases, the decisions made in court are crucial to the well-being of the children involved. It is essential to understand the factors that influence these decisions, as they can have a significant impact on the lives of both the children and the parents. Seeking guidance from experienced child custody lawyers, like the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC, is vital in navigating through this complex legal process.

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Taking the step to adopt a stepchild is a significant and rewarding decision that can solidify the bond within a blended family. The process, however, involves many legal and emotional steps. The Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC., Sacramento’s premier family law firm, is here to provide an in-depth guide to support individuals through the adoption process.

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When it comes to guardianship arrangements, individuals often face the decision between guardianship of the estate and guardianship of the person. Both avenues serve different purposes and involve distinct considerations. At the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, we understand the importance of navigating these choices effectively. Below we’re sharing key factors to consider when deciding between guardianship of the estate and guardianship of the person. Contact us today with any questions you may have for our Sacramento family law firm.



In case you're experiencing a split or separation that involves kids, it's understandable to worry about the imminent process of custody mediation. In the state of California, it's highly probable that the Family Court Services (FCS) will oversee your discussions related to child custody and visitation agreements and if no agreements are reached, a recommendation will be given to the Court. While the procedure might seem intimidating, the right planning measures can help you proceed with confidence.

The following are some pieces of advice in preparing for your custody mediation proceedings in California. Learn more, and contact the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC. for guidance from an experienced Sacramento family lawyer.



Co-parenting can be tough, particularly under unfavorable circumstances. Addressing and handling the intricacies of raising children after a legal separation or divorce can induce much stress. Yet, by applying certain methods and tactics, we at the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC. believe co-parenting can be made easier, which in turn allows for a harmonious relationship beneficial to the kids. Learn more, and then contact our family law firm in Sacramento for assistance.



Dissolving a marriage can be a chaotic and stressful experience for a family, particularly when it includes children. This hard time requires sensitive handling to ensure the mental and emotional well-being of the children. Grasping the potential adverse effects on a child is crucial in protecting them from the repercussions of a divorce. Volatile circumstances may result in emotional unsteadiness, behavioral complications, and under certain circumstances, a decrease in educational achievement.

As divorce attorneys in Sacramento, we at the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC. understand that kids are susceptible, as the tough experience of a dissolution of marriage can leave lasting impacts that can shape their future interactions. As such, it's essential to guard them from the intricacies of the dissolution process. Read on to learn effective strategies to safeguard, assist, and steer your kids during this demanding stage, and don’t hesitate to contact our family law firm for...


At the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC, we understand that the decision to terminate parental rights can be complicated. We’re here to help you understand what you need to know about terminating parental rights.

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Navigating through life, our family is often the cornerstone of our support and love. Parents and grandparents play significant roles in providing guidance, care, and unconditional love. Nevertheless, owing to regrettable events, a grandparent may encounter the need to once again take on the responsibility of being a caregiver.


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The dynamics of families in modern society are constantly shifting, and the traditional mother-father-biological children structure is no longer the only norm. Due to the ever-growing amount of households led by single parents and families formed through blending, the population of step-parents is experiencing an upward trend.


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Going through a divorce can be an emotionally draining and complex process. While some couples are able to navigate it amicably, many others face challenges that require professional legal assistance. At the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC, we understand the nuances of divorce law in Sacramento and Placer County. In this blog post, we will outline key signs that indicate it's time to seek legal representation for your divorce.



In modern times, divorce can be a fact of life. Whether it’s because the relationship simply ceased to work between the married parties or it’s due to the actions of one or both people involved, divorce can be an effective solution to a difficult situation. At The Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC., we’re committed to helping our clients find the best possible legal options, and there are different types of divorces that may fit a situation better than others.


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Co-parenting after divorce or separation can be challenging, but it's crucial for the well-being of your children. As a Sacramento family law attorney, the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC has seen countless parents struggle to co-parent effectively after a divorce or separation. To help you navigate this difficult process, here are some tips for successful co-parenting.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods have gained significant popularity in family law cases as an alternative to traditional litigation. These processes offer families an opportunity to resolve their disputes outside of the courtroom, aiming for a more amicable and less adversarial approach.

At the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC. in Sacramento, we are a small team of dedicated professionals ready to assist you with your family law matters. Contact us today!

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As difficult as divorce may be, choosing the right divorce attorney in Sacramento can make all the difference. But what if you aren't happy with the attorney representing you? Is it time to change divorce attorneys? Here are a few situations that may indicate it's time for a change and why the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik is the law firm to switch to.

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Property division during a divorce can be stressful and complicated. As you go through this process, you must be aware of your rights and prepared to protect your assets. The Law Office of Olga A. Koplik in the Placer and Sacramento Counties, California, is here to help you through this process. Here are a few tips to keep in mind for property division when going through a divorce.


Navigating the process of marriage annulment or divorce can be a daunting task. It’s important to understand the differences between the two in order to make the best decision for yourself and your family. Our team at the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik in the Sacramento, California area is here to provide you with the information you need to make those decisions.


Though your relationship may have gotten shaky, there are still several considerations to make before officially calling your marriage quits. With all the expenses involved in a divorce — along with property division and debt liability — it’s important to be sure that you’ve explored all other options. If you and your spouse are still on relatively good terms, there are four main alternatives to divorce that you can explore. With the help of the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, P.C., you can navigate these difficult waters and make the best decision for your situation. Continue reading to learn more, and schedule a consultation with our Sacramento family lawyers for help.


Getting married is a huge decision. It's a commitment that you are making to another person, and it should not be taken lightly. Along with the excitement of getting married comes the realization that you are about to embark on a life together –– with all of its ups and downs. One way to help protect yourself and your future spouse is to get a prenuptial agreement. In this blog post, our team at the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC will discuss four reasons why you should get a prenuptial agreement. Learn more and get in touch with our family lawyer in Placer or Sacramento counties today!

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No matter the situation, trying to determine custody rights and a visitation schedule can be difficult and frustrating. At the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik in California, our child visitation attorneys specialize in helping you and your family determine the right visitation schedule and helping you to reach a deal without the hassle. Whether you are the sole legal and physical guardian of your child(ren) or you are in a joint custody situation, we can help! Here are a few things to consider when developing and evaluating your family’s custody and visitation schedule. If you are looking for legal help when it comes to creating this schedule, reach out to a child visitation attorney at the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik today!

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Divorce is a complicated process that is made even more difficult when you consider the emotional factor between the individuals involved and the impact that it can have on a family unit. That is why it is important to understand the logistics of the process and the length of time that it may take to finalize proceedings in California. Learn more below and contact the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik for your legal separation needs today.

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Are you in need of a divorce and legal separation attorney in Sacramento? If so, look no further than working with the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, as we have over ten years of experience helping clients successfully navigate through the process of legal separation. Read on to find out more about what we can do for you during these trying times, and contact us to get started today!

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Trying to navigate family law on your own can be daunting and frustrating. That's why it is important to have an experienced family law attorney in your corner. The Law Office of Olga Koplik has more than 12 years of experience representing clients in Sacramento and Placer County. We specialize in all types of family law and are here to help you every step of the way. In this blog, we'll highlight five types of family law that we specialize in. If you need assistance with any of these types of family law, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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The Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, PC., located in Sacramento and Placer County, has over 12 years of experience in attorney practices. As a full-service family law firm, we provide the support and expertise for your cases and disputes, and we dedicate ourselves to providing exceptional services through each case we serve. Whether you need support for child visitation, grandparent's rights, guardianships, or prenuptial agreements, you can depend on our firm! Learn more about our services today.

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We empathize with any individual or family that suffers the damaging effects of unwanted harassment. Whether you are around strangers or in the presence of loved ones, your safety should always come first. If you are in an uncomfortable or threatening situation and need help, keep reading as The Law Office of Olga A. Kolpik guides you through everything you will need to put an end to your harassment.


Having people harass you and intrude on your life can be not only scary but can have severe mental and emotionally damaging effects. In Sacramento, the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik offers you more than 12 years of experience and is proud to provide you with legal advice and representation that’s knowledgeable and ethical. If you feel that you may need a restraining order for your situation, continue reading as our law experts explain how to put an end to unwanted harassment.


Here at The Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, we understand that the decision to end your marriage isn’t easy and it is not one that you are taking lightly. Emotions are likely running high during this tumultuous time, which can make it difficult to know how to best proceed. Our team is here to provide you with the legal advice you need during this trying time and our experience can help ensure the best outcome possible for your divorce case. There are several things that you should consider doing before filing for divorce to ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible and we’ll take a look at a few of them today. Let’s get started.


When your marriage isn’t what you hoped that it would be, you may find yourself considering your options. Should you file for legal separation? Should you get divorced, or should you try to reconcile your differences? It can be difficult to know which path is the right one, especially with heightened emotions. The Law Office of Olga A. Koplik is here to provide you with legal advice if you choose to file for legal separation or divorce and we understand that you likely have a lot of questions about the process. In today’s post, we’ll review five of the most frequently asked questions about legal separation in California. Let’s take a look at them below.

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As you enter into the beginning stages of your divorce, you may consider whether or not you should hire a divorce attorney to represent you. Hiring professional representation during your divorce is not only prudent, but it can also help make an emotionally charged situation more bearable. Here at the Law Office of Olga A. Koplik, we pride ourselves on providing representation that is based on experience and compassion. Continue reading to learn more about how our team can help you navigate the landscape of divorce and then contact our office to request your consultation.


Spousal Support is generally meant to be only temporary with the purpose of helping the supported spouse eventually become self-supporting. It is not a payment for wrong doings or revenge for anything; it is awarded by the courts solely to ensure the spouse with less financial resources, with lack of employment history, lack of higher education, will not suffer greatly as a result of the divorce. It is also awarded in cases where there are minor children still at home. Even though both parents are equally responsible for maintaining a comfortable and safe home for the children, sometimes one parent needs a little help. However, eventually the supported spouse is expected to support his or herself through efforts at obtaining a job.

Sometimes, when a spouse is expected to become self-supporting through efforts of finding a job, the supported spouse never does. In those cases, the court may order the supported spouse to submit proof of job search efforts in order to keep being paid support. However, the spousal support amount may change with circumstances.


Are you a grandparent seeking court ordered visitation with your grandchild?

The key focus in all court decisions involving children is “What is in the best interest of the child?”. California Family Law Code Section 3102 allows relatives visitation over the objection of the surviving parents. To grant a grandparent visitation with a grandchild, the court must find that there is a pre-existing relationship between the grandparent and the grandchild. This “engendered bond” shows that granting visitation rights to the grandparent is in the best interest of the child. The court will then balance the best interest of the child with the rights of the parents.


A parent with custody of a child can ask for child support from the other parent to help with the cost of raising that child. Sometimes a parent who is ordered to pay child support may experience difficulty in paying the ordered amount, or the parent receiving support may seek an increase in the amount received. As with most court ordered payments, a party seeking to make a change to the order must go to court to ask for a modification to the order. It is very important to request this change as quickly as possible using proper legal procedures.

What does the court consider when modifying child support orders in California?


In the state of California, there are different options when considering dissolving a marriage, but the two most commonly pursued avenues are legal separation and divorce. Both are legally binding, but have key differences. How do you decide which is right for you?


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How do I prepare for my court ordered custody mediation? Should I review anything in preparation for my mediation? What should I say during my custody mediation? Can I bring any evidence to my custody mediation? These and many more questions, parents in California custody cases ask before walking into a custody mediation.


Don't fight your case alone, we are here to help!

The Law Office of Olga A. Koplik puts more than 20 years of experience to work on behalf of our clients, and we’re proud to offer legal advice and representation that’s knowledgeable and ethical. If you have a legal matter in dispute, contact us online or by phone today!